تاریخ : چهارشنبه 21 فروردين 1398
کد 1996

مقاله برتر ماه فوریه 2019 در گروههای علوم پایه انتخاب شد.

مقاله برتر ماه- گروههای پایه
نویسنده مسئول مقاله: جناب آقای دکترفرهاد جدیدی
مقاله برتر ماه: فوریه 2019

Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2019 Feb;23(2):127-142.
CD73 as a potential opportunity for cancer immunotherapy.
Ghalamfarsa G1, Kazemi MH2,3, Raoofi Mohseni S2, Masjedi A4,5, Hojjat-Farsangi M6,7, Azizi G8, Yousefi M9, Jadidi-Niaragh F9,10.

Author information

1- Cellular and Molecular Research Center , Yasuj University of Medical Sciences , Yasuj , Iran.

2- Department of Immunology, School of Medicine , Iran University of Medical Sciences , Tehran , Iran.

3- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Research Center , Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences , Tehran , Iran.

4- Immunology Research Center , Tabriz University of Medical Sciences , Tabriz , Iran.

5- Student Research Committee , Tabriz University of Medical Sciences , Tabriz , Iran.

6- Department of Oncology-Pathology, Immune and Gene therapy Lab, Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK) , Karolinska University Hospital Solna and Karolinska Institute , Stockholm , Sweden.

7-Department of Immunology, School of Medicine , Bushehr University of Medical Sciences , Bushehr , Iran.

8 -Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center , Alborz University of Medical Sciences , Karaj , Iran.

9- Drug Applied Research Center , Tabriz University of Medical Sciences , Tabriz , Iran.

10 -Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine , Tabriz University of Medical Sciences , Tabriz , Iran.

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  • توسط معصومه بهاری
  • تعداد بازدید 86